CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris Nantes) au côté des salariés listed in DECIDEURS GUIDE 2017

CHHUM AVOCATS au côté des salariés (cf pdf document below):


CHHUM AVOCATS obtained the condemnation of a company after moral harassment of a senior executive / cadre dirigeant (the senior executive obtained 209 000 euros) and obtained reinstatement of one of a Lagardère sound engineer after dismissal.

CHHUM LAW FIRM initiated 3 « actions conjointes » (collective/ class actions) validated by the Paris Bar.

Such “actions conjointes” were on:

  • reclassification of journalists employed by fix term contracts (CDD) in permanent contract (CDI) ;
  • cancelation of « cadre dirigeant »/ executive senior manager status ;
  • cancelation of “forfait jours”.

DIFFERENTIATION: Since March 1st, 2016, CHHUM AVOCATS opened an office in Nantes (41 quai de la Fosse 44000 Nantes) managed by Maître Camille COLOMBO.

CHHUM AVOCATS is well known to defend “intermittents du spectacle” (intermittent workers in the entertainment business) and journalists.

All avocats/ lawyers of CHHUM AVOCATS are bilingual in English. This allows CHHUM AVOCATS to work for an anglo Saxon clientele.

Frédéric CHHUM, Avocats à la Cour (Paris et Nantes)

. Paris : 4 rue Bayard 75008 Paris - Tel: 01 42 56 03 00 ou 01 42 89 24 48
. Nantes : 41, Quai de la Fosse 44000 Nantes -  Tel: 02 28 44 26 44

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