CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes) - French Employment law: 15 Articles on French Intermittent workers in the entertainment business (intermittents du spectacle)
-1) Transformation into a permanent work of a France 3 Corse / Via Stella (Groupe France Télévisions) Antenna Officer (Gestionnaire d’Antenne)
2) Unfair dismissal and transformation into permanent contact (CDI) of an OPEX Economat des armées électro- frigoriste (CA Paris, 30 mai 2017).
3) A intermittent worker (intermittent du spectacle) at Europe 1 (Lagardère) obtains 22.796 euros before the Paris prud’hommes for overtime and salaries
(Prud’hommes de Paris encadrement, 14 février 2017, jugement définitif)
4) Transformation of 200 short term contract (CDD) of a technician workers (intermittent du spectacle) at Canal + into permanent contract (CDI) and unfair dismissal (CA Versailles 25 janvier 2017, arrêt Définitif).
5) A G&Z tap dancer (danseuse stripteaseuse) gets 47.000 euros before the Paris Court of Appeal
6) Tap dancer (danseuse stripteaseuse): prove to me that you were at the permanent disposal of the company!
7) « Les 12 coups de midi » : transformation into permanent contract (CDI) of a ENDEMOL Production intermittent workers (intermittente du spectacle) and unfair dismissal
8) Transformation of short term contract (CDD) into permanent work (CDI) of a Teamto graphic designer (CA Paris 6/02/2018)
En savoir plus sur https://www.village-justice.com/articles/droit-des-intermittents-requalification-des-cdd-une-infographiste-cdi,27191.html#H41tlyKOCjxl6lVr.99
9) Tranformation into permanent contract (CDI) of a Euromedia production assistant’ intermittent worker (intermittente du spectacle) and unfair dismissal
10) Umbrella company (Portage salarial) : a commercial EMOA gets overtime before the Paris Court of Appeal after signature of a “ rupture conventionnelle ” (CA Paris 24 mai 2018, 6-2, RG 17/13902)
11) A TF1 technicien worker obtains 38.753 euros before the Boulogne-Billancourt prud’hommes (CPH Boulogne-Billancourt 13/02/2018)
12) Crazy Horse : a Show Manager obtains that its « prise d’acte » qualified as unfair dismissal and damages for moral harassment
En savoir plus sur https://www.village-justice.com/articles/crazy-horse-une-show-manager-obtient-que-prise-acte-produise-les-effets,27245.html#cbMAdI7K6B0Q3Mxy.99
13) A Reservoir Prod (Lagardère) technician worker obtain 90.535 euros before the prud’hommes after transformation of its short term contract into permanent contract (CPH Paris 19/12/2017)
14) Can France Télévisions dismiss fairly Tex ?
15) Tranformation of short term contract (CDD) into permanent contract (CDI) : 3 case law of French Supreme Court (cour de cassation) in 2018
CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes) assists and defends employees, intermittent workers in the entertainment business (intermittents du spectacle), artists, whistleblowers (lanceurs d’alerte), journalists, pigistes, executives (cadres), senior executives (cadres Dirigeants).
To read the Articles, please click on the link after the Articles.
Frédéric CHHUM, Avocats à la Cour (Paris et Nantes)
. Paris : 4 rue Bayard 75008 Paris - Tel: 01 42 56 03 00 ou 01 42 89 24 48
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